About Bubbly Primes Math Help

We try to make frequent improvements to these pages. We add drawings and artwork, both to illustrate the math concepts, and to improve readability and memorability. Also, we constantly tweak our writing, making it stronger and clearer. We occasionally add new pages. If you would like to request that we write a new Math Help page about a specific topic, please write to us.

Math Help Topics

Here’s a list of all the Math Help pages on this website.

The Sieve worksheets are provided as PDFs and JPGs. The PDF versions are smaller, but sometimes the fonts don’t print right. Sometimes downloading the PDF and printing it from a program like Acrobat Reader (or on Macs, Preview) works better than printing directly from a browser. If it doesn’t look good, use the JPG. The Full Size worksheet is in landscape (horizontal) format. Depending on how the printer is set up, it might automatically do it, or you might have to specify landscape manually.

About The Author

Alex Bozman wrote the Bubbly Primes Math Help pages.

Image of Alex Bozman, author of the Bubbly Primes Math Help pages, in a library.

Alex Bozman, designer of Bubbly Primes, and author of the Bubbly Primes Math Help webpages

Apart from working at Nuhubit Software Studios LLC, creating educational games, Alex also has a career as a cellist and composer. He has a degree in Mathematics and Music from UC Berkeley, and an MFA from California Institute of the Arts. He loves his work, and finds new things to be interested in all the time.

Bibliography & Book Recommendations

Here’s a partial bibliography of books used to create these math help pages. Why books and not websites? Because most of the content on these pages was written purely from the mind to the keyboard without any reference at all. In cases where I couldn’t remember something clearly, or wanted to double check accuracy, I relied on these books as being both clear and authoritative. I knew just where to look. Books are still (at least now in 2016) my most reliable source for this particular kind of info, although, of course, the internet makes finding information much easier, which is why I am providing my math help to you via a website.

The Man of Numbers – Fibonacci’s Arithmetic Revolution by Keith Devlin.

It was from this book that I first learned about Brahmagupta, and much more about arithmetic and history. It provided me with context and appreciation for aspects of the past that don’t even come close to coming through in standard history lessons. For an even more concrete exposure to the interchange of goods and ideas across the world, which included Fibonacci and modern arithmetic, I’d also recommend Yo Yo Ma’s silk road project which has been traveling from museum to museum around the world. If it comes to your city, don’t miss it.

Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics (Third Edition) by Howard Eves.

Despite the title, this is not a math book about “Foundations” (that term often refers to certain subfields of mathematics including logic and set theory), but is a history of math. Although it doesn’t require more of a math background than a typical college education, somebody without a math background would probably not be able to read it like a novel, and would get the most out of it by either skimming it for interesting bits or committing to a slow reading.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry by George F. Simmons.

This was my Calculus book when I was an undergraduate, and at the time, I only paid attention to the topic at hand. It was later on, when I used this book as a reference to solve math problems for work (yes — there are jobs out there where you get paid to do serious math — I had one for many years), that I noticed the fantastic job this book did of providing historical and mathematical context and motivation. In particular, the Biographical Notes of Appendix B, which number slightly over 80 pages, provides a great history of mathematics.

Undergraduate Algebra by Serge Lang.

This book is rather technical, and would be rough going for someone without a math background. However, I mention it because it’s such a very solid and authoritative resource and I relied on it to be sure I was right about some of the statements that I made.

If you have a question or would like to make a suggestion on how we can improve this site, we’d love to hear it. Also, please try out our educational math game, Bubbly Primes. It is designed to be of value to math students of all ages and abilities (it requires only basic familiarity with multiplication).